Cutting Edge Technology with Digital Design and Real World Cosmetic Dentistry: Faults, Failures, and Fixes with Dr. Joyce Bassett (In-Person)

Address: 622 Third Ave 9th Floor, New York, NY 10017


Members: $375.00
Non-Members: $450.00
CE hours:

Please register for this course using a laptop or desktop, as the ADA is currently working on resolving the mobile registration issue.


If you are having trouble registering for an event, you can reserve your spot by calling us at 212-573-8500 or emailing

Lecture Description:

Failures in dentistry are frequently blamed on materials, but in reality, operator error is often the culprit. This innovative and fast-paced course will focus on aesthetics that are built to last. Clear, concise, and systemized techniques will be presented to treat every aspect from simple to complex cases involving veneers, crowns, and implant restorations. These protocols will increase profitability by preventing failures that occur day-to-day in your office.

Cutting edge preparation techniques that will simplify difficult space management cases will be presented, along with tips for how to handle shade challenges and determine when preparation modifications may be necessary. You will understand how to integrate flowable composite on the provisional and communicate the final patient-approved shapes. State-of-the-art digital smile design will link 3D prosthetic planning with fundamental principles and real-time communication that decreases dentist chair time and ceramist re-work.

Dr. Bassett will show you how to turn a complicated camera into a point-and-shoot device so your team can master digital photography. A clinical update on adhesive technology and ceramics will be presented so the team knows what systems to use and understands their limitations along with the specific verbiage that helps control patient expectations. She will clear the confusion regarding products and techniques ranging from incremental layering to bulk fill technology in the posterior. Dimensions of color and anatomic stratification of anterior composite to attain a polychromatic imperceptible result will be shown.

The relationship of form and function precludes treating anterior teeth as cosmetic challenges alone. Aesthetic and functional parameters of incisor position and morphology, dental facial treatment planning, determination of vertical dimension, and bite force management will be presented as components that allow comprehensive restorative treatment. Occlusal guidance must be understood so the final designs of the restoration can accommodate the intra-oral forces, assuring longevity and predictability of the prosthesis.

The cases presented have been published in national peer-reviewed journals. There is something for everyone to learn! You will leave the course with a proven step-by-step approach from simple to difficult clinical situations.

Learning Objectives:

  • Integrate sound occlusal principles to create synergy between form and function
  • Own the knowledge and ability to confidently prepare a difficult space management case
  • Identify which adhesives and restorative materials work the best for maximum predictability and learn matricing techniques and bulk fill technology for mastering posterior composites
  • Learn how to achieve a predictable anterior composite restoration following the stratification of opacities to achieve lifelike, undetectable restorations

Speaker Information: Dr. Joyce Basset

Dr. Joyce Basset practices comprehensive restorative and aesthetic dentistry in Scottsdale, Arizona. She is an accredited fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and former president, 2015-2016. She is a diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry, an associate member of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, a KOIS Center clinical instructor, an active member in the Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics, and a fellow in the AGD. Dr. Bassett has also served as adjunct faculty, teaching the aesthetic continuum at the Arizona School of Dentistry. Dr. Bassett is an international lecturer, published author, and member of the editorial board of several peer-reviewed publications. The cases presented in her lectures are all published in peer reviewed journals. She is a recipient of the Lucy Hobbs Award for Clinical Expertise, the AACD Evy Award for Excellence in Teaching Cosmetic Dentistry Education, the Volunteer Dentist of the Year Award by Arizona CASS Dental Clinic, and the Give Back a Smile Volunteer Service Award.

This speaker has no financial relationships relevant to this presentation to disclose.

Additional Information:

  • You will receive a printed copy of your CE certificate of completion at the end of lecture.
  • Refund Policy - We offer refunds for cancellations made up to two weeks prior to the event. Email to request a refund.