Contemporary Insights Into Orthodontic Practice: Investigational Studies Relating to How and Why We Do What We Do (In-Person)
Address: 622 Third Ave 9th Floor, New York, NY 10017
Email: amak@nycdentalsociety.org
Members: $145
Non-Members: $195
Free For Study Club Members
CE hours: 6
Please register for this course using a laptop or desktop, as the ADA is currently working on resolving the mobile registration issue. Call us at 212-573-8500 if you have issues.
Orthodontic residents from New York City's 6 orthodontic residency programs will present their CODA required research endeavors in a formal symposium format providing the attendees with contemporary insight into various diagnostic, clinical, and practice management issues relating to orthodontic practice.
Aside from the CE credit being offered, this is a wonderful opportunity to interact with today’s best and brightest residents and welcome them as colleagues, while availing yourselves of what is happening in contemporary orthodontic clinical, diagnostic, basic science, and epidemiological research.
Graduating Residents and Fellows from the following institutions will participate in this year’s research symposium: Maimonides Medical Center, Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center, St. Barnabas Hospital, and Columbia University College of Dental Medicine.
Speaker: Laurance Jerrold, DDS, JD, ABO
Dr. Jerrold is the Chair Emeritus of the Orthodontic Residency Program Director at NYU Langone Hospital, Brooklyn. His background includes 25 years in the private practice of both orthodontics and law, and 20 years in full time academia.
This speaker has no financial relationships relevant to this presentation to disclose.
Additional Information:
- You will receive a printed copy of your CE certificate of completion at the end of lecture.
- Refund Policy - We offer refunds for cancellations made up to two weeks prior to the event. Email info@nycdentalsociety.org to request a refund.