ACD Mentoring Lecture Program: Expanding Orthodontic Case Selection Appropriate for Removable Clear Aligner Therapy Utilizing Adjunctive Treatment Modalities (Zoom)
Email: ccerio@nycdentalsociety.org
This is a Zoom/LIVE virtual class!
You will receive the ZOOM link on the day of the course.
CE hours: 1
Cost: Free
Please register for this course using a laptop or desktop, as the ADA is currently working on resolving the mobile registration issue.
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What is the ACD Mentoring Lecture Program:
The ACD Mentoring Lecture Program is structured so that it benefits everyone involved, creating a direct relationship between student and mentor. Experienced dentists have the opportunity to step up as mentors and students learn about the culture of leadership, ethics, and professionalism by example. The program has gained local recognition with all New York metropolitan area hospitals participating, helping to satisfy their ADA CODA requirements for ethics and practice management.
Lecture Description:
Clear aligner therapy is a widely utilized and requested treatment modality for both adult and adolescent orthodontic patients given their esthetic and removable characteristics. With the advancement of doctor experience, continuing education, and aligner technology, clear aligner therapy is being prescribed in more complex orthodontic cases. Specifically, clear aligners are now being utilized, successfully and predictably, to treat cases that historically were unable to be treated by removable orthodontic therapy alone due to the incorporation of adjunctive treatment modalities. Digital treatment planning allows the clinician to begin with the end in mind and design aligners to be used concurrently with adjunctive modalities, such as inter- or intra-arch hybrid treatment with labial or lingual fixed appliances, buttons, power chains, intermaxillary elastics, temporary anchorage devices (TADs), bone-anchored maxillary protraction (BAMP), and/or intermaxillary fixation (IMF) screws. Orthodontic malocclusions that may benefit from this aligner combined with adjunctive modality treatment approach include dental impactions, stabilization during post-surgical healing, pronounced rotations, torque requirements, bite opening mechanics, dental uprighting, transverse broadening/constricting, and arch coordination.
Dr. Michele J. Equinda is a Board Certified Orthodontist. Through her research on oral and intestinal microbiota, Dr. Equinda became fascinated by the link between oral and systemic health, which further confirmed her desire to become a dentist. Dr. Equinda went on to earn her Certificate in Orthodontics and Master of Science degree in Oral Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry where she defended her thesis titled “Assessment of Response to Rapid Maxillary Expansion in Pediatric Sleep-Disordered Breathing.” Dr. Equinda further exemplified her commitment to lifelong learning and excellence in patient care by achieving the status of Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics.
Dr. Mark J. Bronsky is a Board Certified Orthodontist. Dr. Bronsky went on to earn his Certificate in Orthodontics and a Master of Science Degree (MS) in Endocrinology at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill School of Dentistry. During his time at UAB, Dr. Bronsky continued doing research in endocrinology, studying the role of bone phosphoproteins in the bone mineralization process. He has been in the private practice of orthodontics in New York City since 1990 while teaching and serving as an attending at New York Presbyterian Hospital (Cornell), Mount Sinai Medical Center, and Lenox Hill Hospital/Northwell Health Systems.
Dr. Jamie A. Silverberg is a Board Certified Orthodontist. Dr. Silverberg went on to earn her Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree at the University of Pennsylvania. Throughout her dental education, Dr. Silverberg gas contributed to research in the field of craniofacial orthodontics. Specifically, she has studied the Epithelial Splicing Regulatory Protein and its role in cleft lip/palate and helped to generate specific orthodontic and oral surgery guidelines to treat patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta.
Additional Information:
- You will receive your CE certificate of completion via email within 2 weeks after the lecture.
- Please check your spam mail if you don’t see your CE certificate within 2 weeks.