Cosmetic Dentistry Mastery in Restorative Brilliance with Dr. Marus!

Apr 18, 2024
Immerse yourself in the art of Cosmetic Dentistry with our hands-on, in-person lecture.
Course Details:
Time & Date: Fri, Apr 19, 2024 | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Address: 622 Third Ave, New York, NY 10017
ADA members: $495.00
Non-Members: $595.00
Residents: $245.00
CE hours: 6

Course Description:
Today's restorative dentists need to enhance their cosmetic skills in order to achieve growth and profitability in their practices. This lecture will demonstrate (hands-on) a simplified method of restoring the fractured maxillary anterior central incisor with composite resin using the intraoral composite mock-up technique creating an imperceptible restoration. Additionally, as a result of the latest composite technology, dentists can now quickly, easily and predictably treat posterior teeth, cervical (abfraction) lesions and incisal wear with beauty, strength and function beyond patient expectations. Improvements in composite polymerization shrinkage, reduction of internal stress and occlusal wear, have made composite material a great esthetic option. This lecture will also demonstrate, in a step-by-step fashion, how to place posterior composites quickly and easily, so that an aesthetic result with a high success rate and predictable outcome can be achieved.

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