Navigating the Path with Ease: A Revolutionary Endodontic Approach with Dr. Marcus Johnson!
Presentation Details:
CE Hour: 9
The objective of this course is to familiarize the general dentist with biologic and clinical principles that will allow for a predictably successful outcome with non-surgical root canal therapy. This will be a comprehensive course covering topics including diagnosis, local anesthesia, isolation, shaping, cleansing, obturation, restoration, and management of odontogenic infections. Following completion of the course, participants should be able to:
- Accurately diagnose a patient’s chief complaint
- Understand canal morphology and understand successful endodontic treatment
- Use current research to gain better understanding of how to eliminate intracanal bacteria
- Understand why some endodontic cases fail to heal despite seemingly ideal endodontic treatment
Additionally, we will be presenting our file system which has revolutionized the rotary world! The files will be available during the hands-on portion of the class.
If you have any questions, please contact Danni Teague at 510-363-5479 or email Danielle.teague@coltene.com