Injection Molding & Implant Dentistry with Dr. Geissberger on 1/9!

Jan 15, 2025
Choose to attend one course or both, depending on which topic interests you most or fits in your schedule!
Lecture 1:
Injection Molding: Incorporating Innovative Concept for Esthetic Dentistry
January 09, 2025 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Address: 622 Third Ave 9th Floor, New York, NY 10017 | Members: $195 | Non-Members: $225 | CE hours: 3 |

Free for study club members

This fast-paced program will introduce clinicians to multiple injection molding techniques and applications. Treatment planning and case selection for anterior esthetic cases, loss of vertical dimension cases, wear cases, and full mouth reconstruction will be reviewed. Focus will be placed on how to prepare for clinical cases using the injection molding method. Materials and armamentarium that lend themselves to injection molding will be explored. Proper bonding, placement and finishing techniques will be discussed and practiced.

Please register for this course using a laptop or desktop, as the ADA is currently working on resolving the mobile registration issue.

Register Here!

Lecture 2:
Incorporating Implant Dentistry Into Your General Practice
January 09, 2025 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM | Address: 622 Third Ave 9th Floor, New York, NY 10017 | Members: $195 | Non-Members: $225 | CE hours: 3 |

Free for study club members

This course is designed to assist practitioners in creating and maintaining a successful implant program within their general dental practice. A discussion of the choices between conventional dentistry and implant dentistry to replace missing teeth will be explored. Particular attention will be given to learning how to build treatment plans based on patient evaluation, bone quality, prosthetic and material options and economics. This course will cover esthetic considerations in the anterior zone with single-tooth and multiple implant restorations. Additionally, options for short span fixed prostheses and removable prostheses will be discussed. Both cement and screw retained options will be discussed.


Please register for this course using a laptop or desktop, as the ADA is currently working on resolving the mobile registration issue.

Register Here!

Mar 12, 2025