Cutting Edge Technology with Digital Design with Dr. Joyce Basset on 3/21!

Feb 26, 2025
Gain a step-by-step approach to handling both simple and complex cases with confidence.

Failures in dentistry are often due to operator error, not materials. This fast-paced course focuses on long-lasting aesthetics with clear techniques for veneers, crowns, and implants to prevent daily failures and increase profitability. Learn cutting-edge prep techniques, shade management, and digital smile design to streamline workflow and reduce chair time. Dr. Bassett will simplify digital photography, adhesive technology, and ceramic selection while clarifying layering techniques for seamless results. Functional and aesthetic planning, occlusal guidance, and bite force management will also be covered.

Lecture Details:
Date & Time: March 21, 2025 | 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Address: 622 Third Ave 9th Floor, New York, NY 10017
Members: $375.00
Non-Members: $450.00

CE hours: 6

Free for Study Club Members!

Please register for this course using a laptop or desktop, as the ADA is currently working on resolving the mobile registration issue.