NYSDA Publications

Items of Interest to Dentistry on the February 2024 New York State Board of Regents Meeting Agenda

Feb 10, 2024
There are two items of interest to dentistry on the February 2024 New York State Board of Regents meeting agenda: 1) the reappointment of Dr. Robert Herzog [8th District] to a five year term on the Committee for Professional Assistance [PAP], the Committee that deals with matters of alcohol and substance abuse; and 2) the final regulations dealing with what entities are allowed to use the term “university”.  To read the Regents reappointment of Dr. Herzog as a member of the Committee for Professional Assistance, use the first link below.  To read the Regents final regulations dealing with what entities are allowed to use the term “university”, use the second link below.
https://www.regents.nysed.gov/sites/regents/files/224brca4.pdf  (Regents reappointment of Dr. Herzog as a member of the Committee for Professional Assistance)
https://www.regents.nysed.gov/sites/regents/files/224brca2.pdf  (Regents final regulations dealing with what entities are allowed to use the term “university”)