NYSDA Publications

WCB Announces Increase in Workers' Compensation Maximum Weekly Benefit Rate

Apr 16, 2024

Per the notice below, the New York State Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) has announced an increase in the maximum weekly workers' compensation benefit rate.

Workers’ Compensation Board

New Maximum Weekly Benefit Rate Effective July 1, 2024

The maximum weekly benefit rate for workers' compensation claimants is two-thirds of the New York State Average Weekly Wage for the previous calendar year, as determined by the New York State Department of Labor [Workers' Compensation Law §§ 2(16) and 15(6)].  The Department of Labor reported to the Superintendent of the Department of Financial Services that the New York State Average Weekly Wage for 2023 was $1,757.19.  Accordingly, the maximum weekly benefit rate will be $1,171.46 for compensable lost time for workers' compensation claims with dates of injury during the period from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.

Clarissa M. Rodriguez