This Pride Month, HRSA continues to proudly stand with the LGBTQI+ community, ensuring access to quality health care and supportive services through HRSA’s Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, HRSA-supported community health centers, and other programs. Together, we continue to advance health equity and promote the well-being of the LGBTQI+ community. HRSA Announces $15 Million in New Investments to Address Maternal Health Needs and Disparities in Rural Communities
On Monday, June 3, HRSA announced $15 million to address maternal health needs and disparities in rural communities through the Rural Maternity and Obstetrics Management Strategies (Rural MOMS) Program and a new program focused on strengthening maternal care and reducing disparities in the South and Midwest. HRSA Deputy Administrator Jordan Grossman highlighted the investments during the Arizona Maternal Health Convening in Flagstaff, Arizona as part of HRSA’s Enhancing Maternal Health Initiative. The meeting brought together mothers who have benefited from HRSA programs, midwives and nurses who work in HRSA-funded health centers or for HRSA-funded maternal, infant and early childhood home visiting programs, National Health Service Corps scholars who provide maternity care to high-need communities in Arizona, community organizations who serve as HRSA Healthy Start sites, tribal officials, state officials, and other stakeholders to identify opportunities to work together to improve maternal health outcomes across Arizona, especially in rural and tribal communities. HRSA also visited with health care providers at North Country HealthCare, a HRSA-funded health center in Flagstaff, and Valleywise Health in Phoenix, a Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipient.
This was the third state convening as part of HRSA’s year-long initiative to help strengthen and expand HRSA’s maternal health work to address the unacceptable rates of maternal mortality and related disparities in the United States.
Read the release. Health Center Program Funding Funding for All Health Center Grantees
In June, HRSA will make available $55 million in one-time fiscal year 2024 funding to all health center grantees.
This Quality Improvement Award funding is intended to support HRSA-funded health centers to prepare for and implement programs and technologies to ensure high-quality, patient-level data submissions as part of the modernization of the Uniform Data System (UDS+).
All Health Center Program operational (H80) grant award recipients are eligible, and awards will be provided directly to grantees. Please visit the Quality Improvement Award: UDS+ webpage for additional information. |
Expanded Hours
HRSA is making available $60 million for approximately 120 grants to help HRSA-funded health centers expand their operating hours to make it easier for patients to get health care. By offering more times for patients to receive primary care, health centers will serve more people and reduce wait times to see providers.
Applications are due in Grants.gov on Monday, June 24, and in HRSA's Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) on Tuesday, July 23. Visit the Expanded Hours webpage for the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), technical assistance information, and other resources.
New Access Points
HRSA announces that applications to establish New Access Points are now open to expand access to affordable, high-quality primary health care, including mental health and substance use disorder services, for underserved communities and populations. HRSA will only be able to make awards for this NOFO if Congress appropriates additional funds for the Health Center Program in fiscal year 2025.
Applications are due in Grants.gov on Thursday, August 15, and in HRSA’s Electronic Handbooks on Monday, September 30. Visit the New Access Points webpage for the NOFO and resources to help develop your application. |
Register for the 2024 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care and Treatment There’s still time to register for the 2024 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment (NRWC)! The conference will take place August 20-23, in Washington, DC. The 2024 Conference will feature plenary sessions, select breakout sessions, posters, exhibits, and networking opportunities. Conference attendees typically include direct care providers, program/fiscal administrators, members of planning councils/planning bodies, people with HIV, community members, federal staff, Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipients, HIV/AIDS Bureau Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. recipients and others involved in HIV care and treatment.
In addition, there’s still time to register as an exhibitor. Organizations can register for both in-person and virtual exhibiting opportunities before Friday, June 14. The cost to exhibit is free. Exhibitors include federal and state agencies, current HIV technical assistance partners, public and private nonprofits, national partner organizations, and foundations.
Register to attend the conference.
Learn more or submit an exhibit request. |
HRSA Program Makes Loan Repayment Available to More Substance Use Disorder Disciplines HRSA opened the application for its Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery (STAR) Loan Repayment Program, which expands access to substance use disorder (SUD) treatment by extending loan repayment opportunities to providers such as bachelor’s-level SUD counselors, behavioral health paraprofessionals and clinical support staff.
The STAR Loan Repayment Program provides up to $250,000 to eligible health professionals in exchange for a six-year, full-time service commitment.
Applications are due Thursday, June 27, 7:30 p.m. ET. |
Loan Repayment Available for Pediatric Specialty, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Providers HRSA's 2024 Pediatric Specialty Loan Repayment Program is now open to eligible pediatric specialty clinicians and those who provide mental health care and support to children and adolescents.
Providers who commit to serving for three years at an approved site in a health professional shortage or medically underserved area, or to providing care to a medically underserved population, can receive up to $100,000 in loan repayment support.
Applications are due Tuesday, July 9, 7:30 p.m. ET. |
Extension to Complete Grantee Satisfaction Survey: Participate and Have Your Say Calling all HRSA grantees! The 2024 Grantee Satisfaction Survey is open!
HRSA has updated the survey to streamline it and gather feedback about your experience. Your confidential responses help HRSA take concrete actions to better serve our grantees and the populations we serve.
The last day to complete the survey is Monday, June 24. Share your feedback and help us enhance our support to better serve you. Your feedback matters. Together, we can make a difference!
Questions or concerns about the survey? Email HRSA Grantee Survey. |
2022 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program AIDS Education and Training Center Program Annual Data ReportHRSA Study Examines Housing Instability Among U.S. Children The JAMA Pediatrics study looked at how common unstable housing is among children in the United States and found that it affects more than 1 in 6 children (17.1%). The study also found that almost 1 in 10 parents or caregivers were often worried about losing their housing. The study, which uses the HRSA National Survey of Children’s Health, does not include children who are currently homeless or institutionalized.
Children in unstable housing situations more often faced other hardships like food insecurity and poor neighborhood conditions. HRSA programs like Healthy Start, Home Visiting, and our Title V Block Grant provide supports to help connect and refer families to needed services, including housing.
In 2022, HRSA-funded health centers treated nearly 1.4 million people without homes. The National Health Care for the Homeless Council and the Corporation for Supportive Housing — both HRSA National Training and Technical Assistance Partners — help health centers better understand the needs of, and improve services for, these patients.
The Health and Housing Institute, a HRSA-funded project through the National Academy for State Health Policy, convenes state teams to create strategies to increase access to safe, affordable housing and wrap-around services and supports for people who are experiencing homelessness or housing instability.
HRSA’s Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Special Projects of National Significance Program SURE Housing initiative is developing and evaluating housing-related intervention strategies for three priority populations with HIV experiencing unstable housing. |
HRSA Recognized HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day on June 5 On Wednesday, June 5, HRSA recognized HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day, which is a day to celebrate the remarkable resilience of HIV long-term survivors, share their stories, and remember those who have lost their lives to HIV.
For nearly 34 years, the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program has provided people with HIV the care, treatment, medication, and essential support services needed to reach viral suppression and live longer and healthier lives. Many Ryan White Program clients are part of the growing community of HIV long-term survivors: Clients aged 50 and older now represent nearly half (48.2%) of all RWHAP clients, a significant increase from 2010 (31.7%).
HRSA is committed to optimizing HIV care for people aging with HIV. We recognize how important it is for health care team members to understand the needs of older adults with HIV. We have several reference guides to support health care professionals in providing care to people aging with HIV. In addition, the Aging with HIV Initiative provides strategies and interventions to improve the well-being of older adults with HIV, and the AIDS Education and Training Center Program also offers trainings on HIV in Older Adults.
Learn more. |
Cervical Cancer Learning Series for Safety-Net Settings in U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPI) HRSA’s Office of Women’s Health invites health care providers to participate in A Cervical Cancer ECHO Learning Series for Safety-Net Settings in US-Affiliated Pacific Islands.
This free, virtual, collaborative learning series empowers safety-net settings of care in USAPI (American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau) to improve cervical cancer prevention, screening, and management.
Complete the interest form by Friday, June 7. Email CERV-Net for more details. |
HRSA Annual Tribal Consultation HRSA convened the 2024 Annual Tribal Consultation at the National Indian Health Board’s National Tribal Health Conference in Rapid City, South Dakota, on Monday, May 20.
More than 200 Tribal officials engaged with HRSA staff from the Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs and the Bureau of Health Workforce to discuss Health Professional Shortage Area scoring and updating the HRSA Tribal Consultation Policy.
View the new HRSA Tribal Affairs website for more information about how HRSA is working to support health care delivery and infrastructure in Indian Country. |
Behavioral Health Service Expansion HRSA is making available $240 million to increase support for HRSA-funded health centers to respond to the need for mental health and substance use disorder services. The Grants.gov deadline has passed; those who applied must submit the second part of their application in HRSA’s Electronic Handbooks on Friday, June 21. |
HRSA Funding in the Community |