Issue Number 19 | June 18, 2024 |
In this edition of the Insider, we highlight several AHRQ CDSiC updates, including the project's recent Annual Meeting, upcoming conference presentations, and a new factsheet that provides an overview of standards for patient-centered clinical decision support (PC CDS). |
Last year, the AHRQ CDSiC developed a comprehensive Environmental Scan that assessed the current landscape of standards and regulatory frameworks of PC CDS to determine gaps, challenges, and opportunities. The scan mapped findings related to PC CDS standards to the eight stages of the PC CDS technical landscape. To accompany this report, the AHRQ CDSiC produced a two-page summary factsheet that shares key findings from the full Environmental Scan, highlighting available standards and future opportunities for each stage. |
| Read the factsheet by clicking below!
 | (L-R) Mustafa Ozkaynak, Prashila Dullabh, Polina Kukhareva, and Rachel Richesson presenting during the Scaling and Measuring PC CDS session. |
 | (L-R) Tiffany Peterson, Deborah Collyar, Kistein Monkhouse, Angela Dobes, and Rina Dhopeshwarkar participating in the Patient Roundtable session. |
On May 14, AHRQ CDSiC stakeholders were invited to convene at AHRQ's headquarters in Rockville, Maryland for the second CDSiC Annual Meeting. The meeting, attended by about 85 in-person and virtual participants, was highly engaging and informative.
The meeting featured the theme Building on a strong foundation to reach new heights: How can we chart a path forward for PC CDS? Throughout the day, participants engaged in interactive presentations on the CDSiC's cutting-edge work thus far, sessions highlighting new directions for the field such as artificial intelligence and assessing return on investment, and reflections from patient advocates on future opportunities for the AHRQ CDSiC. |
AHRQ recently released a Notice of Request for Information calling for ideas and to identify possible collaborators in creating a new sustainment model for CDS Connect, a platform to assist the healthcare community in creating and disseminating CDS. AHRQ seeks comment on models and possible partnerships to strengthen and sustain CDS Connect as a national hub for CDS. Submissions should address the qualifications of potential partnering organizations, the proposed governance structure of a public-private partnership, the content of improvements to the CDS Connect platform, the business model, and community engagement.
Comments on this notice must be received by July 31, 2024. |
We look forward to AcademyHealth's upcoming Annual Research Meeting (ARM), which will take place from June 29 – July 2 in Baltimore, Maryland. NORC at the University of Chicago and the AHRQ CDSiC will be featured in two posters of interest to the PC CDS community. More information about these sessions can be found at the links below. |