NYSDA Publications

CAHPS Issues Webcast on Case Mix and Mode Adjustments to Its Surveys

Jun 27, 2024

Per the notice below, the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) has issued its Webcast on CAHPS surveys case mix and mode adjustments.

Now Posted: June 5 Webcast on CAHPS Surveys - The Rationale for Case Mix and Mode Adjustments   

This Webcast from AHRQ’s Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) program discussed the rationale for adjusting CAHPS survey results by case mix and distribution mode.  Speakers addressed common misunderstandings about applying case mix and mode adjustments, situations that merit factoring in adjustments to data results, typical variables used to make adjustments, and how adjusters differ across various CAHPS surveys.  Access the recording of the Webcast and download related materials.  For questions, please contact the CAHPS User Network at cahps1@westat.com or 1-800-492-9261.


Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) surveys ask consumers about their experiences with health care.  The CAHPS program at the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) supports the development and promotion of CAHPS surveys, instructional materials, and databases, and provides technical assistance to users.  Learn more about AHRQ’s CAHPS program.  AHRQ’s CAHPS Database receives data voluntarily submitted by users that have administered either the CAHPS Health Plan Survey, the CAHPS Home and Community Based-Services Survey, or the CAHPS Child Hospital Survey.  The CAHPS Database aggregates the data to facilitate comparisons of CAHPS survey results by users, researchers, and other interested organizations.  Learn more about AHRQ’s CAHPS Database.