Per the notice below, the New York State Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) is holding a free Webinar for employers on their responsibilities under the Workers' Compensation program.
| New date added: Advocate for business WebinarThe Board is pleased to continue its Webinar series for businesses! On the date listed below, the Board’s Advocate for Business will present a Webinar on the basics of the workers’ compensation system for employers. The session is free and there will be time at the end for questions. Protecting Yourself and Your Team: Coverage Essentials for Business
Reviews the basics of the workers’ compensation system, how and when to report an injury or illness (including COVID-19), considerations when hiring independent contractors, laborers, and domestic workers, lowering premiums, penalties, and where to go for assistance with them.
Register here Wednesday, December 11, 2024 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
More information and contactsVisit the Advocate for Business section of the Board’s website for additional resources.
Contact the Office of the Advocate for Business: Call (518) 486-3311 or e-mail |