NYSDA Publications

AHRQ Seeks Public Input on Diagnostic Excellence Measures

Jan 15, 2025

Per the notice below, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is seeking public input into the development of measures of diagnostic excellence (see also NYSDA blog post from December 16, 2024).

AHRQ Seeks Input on Measures of Diagnostic Excellence

A Request for Information published by AHRQ requests public comments by Feb. 13 on the development of measures of diagnostic excellence that may be calculated using administrative data or electronic health record data.  The purpose of diagnostic excellence measurement is to identify potential opportunities to improve the diagnostic process at a health system or geographic level.  AHRQ welcomes comments on the importance and usability of existing measures and those that may be under development.  Submit comments to qisupport@ahrq.hhs.gov with the subject line “Diagnostic Excellence Measurement.”