NYSDA Publications

Washington, D.C., United States District Court Delays OMB Funding Pause

Jan 28, 2025
The United States District Court for the Washington, D.C., District has delayed implementation of the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memorandum M-25-13 that had temporarily halted all federal funding for multiple programs that receive federal financial assistance (see NYSDA blog post from January 28, 2025).  The court's order is not the injunction the plaintiff's sought, but is an administrative delay until February 3, 2025, so that the court can obtain more information from the parties in order to make a ruling.  The court order also applied only to programs already opened for funding, not to new programs that have never been funded.  You can read the court opinion imposing the administrative stay here: OMB Funding Court Opinion Imposing Administrative Stay.