UpdatesMedWatch: The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting ProgramThe FDA’s medical product safety reporting program for health professionals, patients and consumers. MedWatch receives reports from the public and when appropriate, publishes safety alerts for FDA-regulated products. The most recent alerts/recalls are:
Consumer UpdatesA Fresh Take on What "Healthy" Means on Food PackagesWith so many food options out there, it is helpful to have information on food packages that can empower you to identify healthier choices. Guidance DocumentsInstitutional Review Boards Frequently Asked Questions: Guidance for Institutional Review Boards and Clinical Investigators Institutional Review Board (IRB) Written Procedures: Guidance for Institutions and IRBs View all Official FDA Guidance Documents and other Regulatory Guidance
You can search for documents using key words, and you can narrow or filter your results by product, date issued, FDA organizational unit, type of document, subject, draft or final status, and comment period. Webinars and Virtual WorkshopsModel Master Files: Advancing Modeling and Simulation in Generic Drug Development and Regulatory Submissions
March 13, 2025; 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET
This event will provide an update on FDA’s efforts related to model master files (MMFs). The agenda includes presentations by FDA staff that will focus on an introduction and overview of MMFs, considerations for developing and submitting MMFs to support ANDAs using a Type V DMF, and a cross-comparison to other types of DMFs, including lessons learned. Optimizing Pregnancy Registries
March 27 - 28, 2025
Day 1: Thu, Mar 27; 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET Day 2: Fri, Mar 28; 9:00 a.m. - Noon ET
The purpose of the public workshop is to discuss challenges in designing and implementing pregnancy registries and to consider innovative approaches to improve the design and conduct of pregnancy registries to inform the safety of drug and biological products during pregnancy. This public workshop is being held in collaboration with the University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (M-CERSI) program. View Upcoming FDA Meetings, Conferences and Workshops
Public meetings involving the FDA: Upcoming events, past meetings, meeting materials, and transcripts About UsThe Public Engagement Staff resides within the Office of the Commissioner and falls under the Office of External Affairs. We aim to build stronger relationships with health professional organizations, patients and patient advocacy organizations, consumer groups, trade associations, think tanks and academia, and other interested parties, in order to better inform our policy making process, identify policy hurdles or misconceptions, and create strategic collaborations. For more information, please contact us at: PublicEngagement@fda.hhs.gov. For patient specific inquiries, please contact us at: Patients Ask FDA. |